An interview with Xanthippe Xeyos
by Erri Orchow

The face of an alien invasion |
She's one of the most
fascinating figures in the Anipos colonial administration. Young,
apparently well under her 30, pretty, with a vast culture and a great
sense of humour, maybe a little too acid for the taste of most Earth’s
Her long brown hairs, the impossibly
purple eyes, the sleek figure and her fondness for brown-red leather
garmen are among the reason of her iconic stature as the embodyment of
alien occupation forces on Earth.
speaking, as the deputy secretary to the Terrestrial Affairs, she's
maybe the single most important member of the colonial personnel, right
after Commander Kro-Nos, the Legation chief.
In her
role she has come surprisingly fast to know many aspects of our
civilization, and – her critics say - to carve a greater share of power
than what would be suggested by her place in the Anipos organization.
opinions had a great weight in shaping most of the actions the Anipos
took on Earth in these last two years, and may have lasting effects far
in the future too, as her tenure in office will last for other eight
We interviewed her in her office at the 180th floor of New Amsterdam's Millennium Centre.
What do you think about Earth, after two whole years on the planet?
They told me a lot of things, before I came here, and I was distrusting most of them. But, to see is to believe, after all
Believe, what?
That this planet is ovecrowded with assholes, of course.
caustic sense of humour has quickly become famous in the whole Earth's
system. Quite frankly, it did not mix well with the image the public has
of the Anipos and their traditional, haughty way of doing things. Have
you ever had any difficulties with the higher officials, for this?
Haughty and Anipos, doesn't really ring right in the same phrase...
It Happened. I menaced to resign, a couple of times. It was enough.
Was it? So, the Anipos are really so prone to discussion and compromise? It didn’t seem so, during the last war.
high officers may find my way of treating assholes a little too harsh,
but they hardly have any doubt about what's better, between apologize
for me once in a while and have to face Earth's assholes day after day
They prefer, by far, the former; they are not completely dumb, after all...
Rather said, dumb sound even worse than haughty, in the same phrase with Anipos;
Asshol... terrestrials’ beliefs notwithstanding.
thing we have noted: in your phrases, you almost always say "The
Anipos". You never use the expressions "Us " or “We”. Isn't this odd?
should it be odd? I'm not an Anipos. I just happen to work for them.
They pay well, and it's the only way to see other planetary
civilizations if you are not disgustingly rich.
So, big deal, I'm not an Anipos. I'm from Beta Draconis.
Beta Draconis... this will be an astonishing revelation for our readers. We have your permission to report it?
I thought it was already in the public domain.
not that I made any mystery of it, and I use to go around with a Beta's
"Civil Defence" suit. It’s not some kinky leather attire, as I had
occasion to read in some of your gossip magazines.
I think that any fan of extra-planetary cultures already knew, or everybody who passed by the Wikipedia "Xenocultures" portal.
The article on Beta Draconis is quite well written, with just a couple of slight errors and urban legends mistaken for truth.
What errors?
reports that our males are genetically bound to the planet and cannot
leave its surface. It is a patent lie. What is true is that , if they go
to planets inhabited by non-superpowered life forms, they must refrain
from any form of sex for as long as they stay there, which could mean
for decades, as they are pretty much the same as your popular icon
I don't get this. Superman?
Niven, one of your authors, explored the concept of the consequences of
the release of nearly unstoppable sperm cells in your ambient in his
"Men of steel, woman of kleenex". He was correct in every point: on a planet like Earth, a Betan male could not even afford to meet
Rosie Palm.
only he masturbated once, the result would be thousands of seemingly
unrelated accidents, the birth of hundreds of malformed foetuses from
women who didn't even had any sex in the previous twelve months. The
vast majority of said foetuses would probably kill their mothers with
their first kick...
It is quite nightmarish, to tell the truth....
Other errors?
the line "Beta Draconis was the first colony to be annexed to the
Anipos sphere"... really, forgetting the fact that Anipos hardly have
any colony at all outside Earth, this ignores some fundamental facts.
As a planet, we have hardly any resource worth the expenses of a military occupation.
Even your Moon is richer than our home.
a society, we are too much a bunch of lazy, anarchic individualists to
be any kind of real treat or a worthy consumer market.
example, our "Civil Defence" is only a volunteer organization. It
gathers and organizes helps when a natural catastrophe occurs, for as
long as the emergency needs, and that’s all. It’s not a military
organization, but that's the nearest thing to an army, or a government,
we have.
Now, the "Ani" have many faults, but they
wouldn't do anything so wasteful as invading another planet just for
fun. They are not terrestrial, and you people should start to remember
that by now.
It’s true that they established some ties
with our world, but exchange copyrights for digitally transmissible
media is hardly the same thing as to become a colony.
exchange books, hi-resolution paintings 3d scansions, music, cinema...
even some digitalized comics, like, more or less, do all the
civilizations in this arm of the galaxy.
It's just that
the economy of space flight, and of production in the era of
hyper-automation, conspire against the very trade of material goods
between star systems.
Without such trade exchanges, the "Interplanetary colonization" is meaningless.
with sentient robots, and intelligent nano-tech is way down in the
technology stepladder that leads to faster than light fly and, with
them, the cost of goods becomes equal to that of the energy needed to
make them.
An obvious fact that is excruciatingly
hard, it seems, to convey to Earth’s masses is that there is nothing in
this universe as expensive as FTL jumps - in reality, not even humans,
ethics aside.
Not even humans? Really?
it wasn't appallingly in-respectful of human rights as everybody
understands them, it would way cheaper to send one's DNA and memories,
and build a copy at the destination point, than to actually transport a
whole living body.
Of course, negating this way the sanctity of a person's identity is inacceptable.
So, it is all in the economic balances?
Nothing requires, to be assembled, more than a ten millionth of the
energy needed to move it from a planet to another with a FTL drive.
for non FTL systems, they still requires huge amounts of energy, still a
hundred times or so the energy required by any fabrication process, and
it would take centuries for complete a transfer.
only exceptions are some individuals, in very small amounts, whose
physical, psychological or otherwise features cannot be achieved by a
given civilization. But that civilization must be willing to pay the
travel ticket for the guy.
Luckily for me, Anipos have
some problems in dealing with people that routinely lies, like
Terrestrials, and even worse when they have to do with compulsive liars,
a pathology that affect quite some terrestrial politicians. That kind
of people positively drives the Anipos mad.
So they
"often" resolve to hire collaborators from more "ruthless" societies,
mostly us and the Transsians, to deal with societies that they find
quirk to handle - and their pragmatism hasn't reached the point of
copying people instead of sending them.
By the way, in
this context, “often” means “a handful of persons” each year, typically
just three or four. Not the thousands that your trashier newspapers
babble about.
So, Beta is not a colony of the Anipos because it is not economically convenient for them?
I feel that you are trying to get me irritated , but I'm not into nationalistic fetishism.
They have no reason to do it, so they never tried. Should they try, they would probably win, in a day or two.
Then, we'll ask for the same kind of welfare state that they offer to their citizens and we'll bleed them dry.
believe the idea is enough to scare their administrators a lot more
than the thought of any military resistance we may ever mount.
An interstellar colony is an idea beyond folly: it's the stupidest way to waste resources.
the whole concept of an interstellar colony is not economically viable,
as you say, how comes that Earth has ended a colony of the Anipos?
It has been a completely not economic decision on their part.
More, it was a more than slightly irrational one.
They were forced to act by what is really, their biggest problem. One that they hardly acknowledge...
I can’t really follow you, here. Can you explain?
all of your cultures seem to be built around the totem of the
territorial conquer by the dominant male... and your way of achieving
such dominance has grown more and more barbaric and destructive with the
technology advancements.
I think that no rational person can deny it, right?
Now, this stirs a lot of ancestral fears in the Anipos.
In their star system, there were two inhabited planets with Cro-Magnon remnants. The firsts were our beloved Anipos.
others were pretty much like the terrestrial culture, and they tried to
wipe the Anipos out until the day they made a mistake with a biologic
weapon and wiped out themselves instead.
The Anipos reacted, more to the reminiscences of that to the real threat posed by Earth.
They reacted to the fear of seeing their long lost, warmongering, scoundrel neighbours coming back to life.
your propaganda was shouting out loud that you had to reach the status
you deserved in the galaxy, and made more than your share to give the
impression that you were planning to use the rest of the galaxy as a
place to use your rotting nukes on some civvies, without nasty witnesses
like journalists and the likes...
Oh, if I remember
well, when the war started you even really tried it a couple of time...
it's pitiful that Anipos doesn't have foot soldiers, but only robots in
their army.
Highly armoured, radiation proof
robots, some of them even able to withstand a direct shot from a nuke
at blank zero... not exactly the ideal target for random nukes.
So, it's not like you didn't give them any reason to overstep their usual boundaries.
But, why did the war started when it started? Why not, let's say, fifty years before?
From what I know, they kept monitoring your planets for years, particularly scientific reviews.
It seemed that your physicists were knee-deep in the swamp of quantum gravity and string theories.
the Anipos spent a couple of centuries getting out of that loophole,
and they were among the fastest civilization in doing so.
they thought they had all the time to see if you would finally grow up
and become good guys, or you’ll get boiled by your own exhausts, or
finally you’ll nuke one each other in some kind of incident.
it for that other patents' office worker that, like his colleague a
century before, came out with the Idea and snapped you out of quantum
gravity in a bang, Anipos would still be up there, watching your
television (not a bright idea to send through electromagnetic waves all
that violence, all those "
evil aliens” smashed and slaughtered
without any remorse, I must add) and feeling a little uneasy in front of
people able to talk about pre-emptive war... and believe something like
that had any sense.
But the guy came. You get aware of
the pan-galactic hyper-wave university network... and all the rest of
the hyper-wave transmissions that made your SETI researchers cry, when
they realized they were looking for the wrong thing.
people, whose idea of fun was often watching show where your heroes
destroy aliens guilty of being in your way, discovered an entire
universe ready to rape...
I know it is not true –
maybe - but this was the impression the Anipos ( and anyone who looks
objectively at your media at the time ) had and, the Anipos being the
most paranoid culture in this arm of the galaxy, they felt so uneasy
that they ended up doing what they would have never done else.
So, they attacked out of fear?
Well, your historical data shows that you attacked the small, automatic
station on the dark side of the Moon that they used to monitor your
transmissions... it doesn't really matter. Usually, they wouldn't even
give a fig... Non sentient automatisms are worth a dime, after all.
Simply put, terrestrials were showing their muscles to the universe since the early ‘50s, to say so.
Anipos couldn't really stand that attitude, and they convinced
themselves that if you ended up finding a FTL drive as economic as the
one used by the Cro-Magnons – which I believe to be impossible, in this
“new” universe - you would have stormed the whole universe.
reality, Earthlings and Anipos seem made just to despise each other
and, in the end, this basic clash of attitudes found a way to overcome
the good sense of the Ani.
For the rest, I've read a
lot of bullshits in your media in these two years, mostly drawn out of
“parallelisms" with your past history... like that the Anipos are going
to drop here their surplus of population, or that they are going to
steal this or that natural resource.
I’ve seen articles
speaking of water... water, for God’s sake! If someone would ever want
water, there is more water in Saturn’s rings that on the whole planet
Earth, ad it’s already in orbit, ready to be ferried out.
Again, I don't ask to you people to believe the Anipos are good. Just to believe that they are not idiots.
Unless someone
REALLY comes out with an FTL drive that eat
less than a
peta-joule per kilogram and parsec, like the ones that were possible before the nu slide, there is
no way for a military occupation to
raise the money to
pay for its own
my part, I don't think that someone could pop out, next year, with an
idea that hasn't been explored in the five thousand years passed since
the Megatters designed the first post-slide FTL drive, which is more or
less the one still in use today.
Until that moment, there is nothing in any solar system that's worth the ride's ticket to the next one.
for their "demographic problems"... their planets is a little smaller
than Earth, but has less seas so that habitable surface is more or less
the same. Also they cleansed the fifth planet from the scoundrels'
wastes and terra-formed the second and fourth planets of their system.
So, they are a great total of two billions, now, living on four planets, a couple of moons and a bunch of orbital stations.
Beta’s, they are socialites who love to stick together and tend to live
in relatively concentrated cities... so they haven t real needs in term
of personal space.
They wrote off their dictionaries
"undesired pregnancy" some centuries ago, so it should not be that
unexpected that their number has been stable in these last two hundred
Space is hardly one of their problems. And if it was, they would have really invaded US before Earth.
Beta is half the distance than Earth, from their place.
admit that I was one of those who expected them to flood the planet
with their troops. Instead, the whole bulk of the Anipos occupation
force is something like a hundred persons. It's just this economic
problems that prevented them from sending more troops?
it’s the main reason. That and the fact that it is quite hard to find
Anipos who actually like to spend years away from home.
almost impossible to state directly the costs of interstellar travel,
because at the moment there is no economic exchanges between Anipos and
Earth, so I have to guess, basing myself on the costs of similar things -
like cars, houses etc... – here and in Anipos mainland.
ticket to Anipos' home world should be in the two hundred thirty, two
hundred forty millions credits range. An android with almost human
intelligence built by the automatic factories that they placed in the
asteroids belt costs something less than eight hundred dollars. An
intelligent jet fighter is somewhere in the range of the hundred
The whole army that crushed Earth's
defences wasn't worth the travel expenses of two of the technicians and
military personnel that supervised it.
That explains a
lot of things. First of all, it explains why you will never see a foot
soldier from another star system. And it explains the salary and wages
of said personnel...
What things?
The bonus for those who complete ten years on the same planet is slightly above a couple of year of wage.
Officials are entitled to another bonus for every of their subordinates who reach that goal, and fined for those who fail.
it explains the laughs that meet your lobbyists when they try to bribe
one of us. They almost always seem to fail to grasp that they offer just
small amounts of a kind of money that we could spend only here.
It's not that we are such steadfastly honest people, as some say.
simply that, unless we resolve to live here, your money is pretty
useless to us. And, on the other end, for a bribe to reach the
break-even point - where it starts to be economically convenient to be
bribed - it would have to be at least in the five hundred million range.
Nobody of us treats affairs, with terrestrial counterparts, with that kind of budget involved.
this "bonus system" one of the reasons behind your evident self
assurance? Or, is it true that you hold this place because of a sexual
relation with chief commander Kro-Nos?
Oh oh, what a great gossip you gave me. I didn't know that such a tale was going around.
would rather like to take a ride on the good old man, because he really
is a good ma, and I often find myself "starving"... I could enjoy
giving him a good old blowjob. We could do a sweet '69 of friendship, it
would be nice.
Unfortunately, he doesn't forget that I could forget his fragile nature and inadvertently cut "it" out.
There are no Anipos who would dare to place their virility in jaws able to truncate a titanium bar.
say the truth, there also aren't many Earthling who agree to put it
into a hole that could squeeze "it" in an orgasm's twitch, either.
turn, this simple fact, I think, justifies some of my acidity toward
the Terrestrial male. Were it only for you guys, I would have “starve”
to death.
It's right. You are the only Beta in the staff, are you?
So, you did your researches...
I'm the only one... but I'm lucky enough to meet some woman, from time
to time, who's adventurous enough to venture into such dangerous waters.
Or doesn't really realize the danger she’s putting herself into.
Women used not to be really my cup of tea, but one has to adapt, sometimes.
What do you think of Bridget Johansson, the only Earth's superhero? It has been discovered that she is from your planet.
girl, I met her when she was giving an introduction to Terrestrial
culture for those that were willing to apply for a post on this planet.
may pick just one or two people each year, but there are plenty of
young girls who dream to wander under some alien sky, to see the
universe, so she had her hands quite full.
Not that
she really needs the job... she's the only daughter of a former
multi-millionaire, who spent much of his fortune to build a small
interstellar vector - it was rich enough to afford it! - and place four
embryos in cryogenic stasis.
Note well, he did all that to save his sons from the "Aniposian Domination".
He was a right-wing madman, and an idiot.
Why an idiot?
are going to send four embryos to a far away planet... which would you
choose? Two girls and two boys, possibly with the most varied genetic
Given the peculiarities of our biology, it's the most sensible thing. I would do it...
if you insisted to send "your sons", giving the fact that you are using
eggs from some donors, you would think to use at least egg cells from
four different mothers.
Anyway, you should stick to
the two & two pattern, so that they can find some solace in each
other... they are probably going to be quite different from the rest of
the planet. We beta are not the mainstream Cro-Magnon descendants, after
all, thanks to the Betans bacteria that replaced the original
And you would aim carefully, to the "right" planet. Definitely, with all that invested in the effort, you would do it....
He sent four sisters. So they couldn't be incestuous, as this was an abomination onto his God.
From the same mother. Because he believed that a man should have children with just one woman.
a ship with a poor Artificial Intelligence that had to look for a
planet free of the Anipos Influence for itself... “so that the hand of
the Almighty may freely express herself”.
And he burnt almost all of his fortune to do so. This goes beyond Madness and falls right into Idiocy.
This is terrible. What does she think, of this story?
She's positively angry at dad... had he not been such an idiot, she would have been filthy rich and not just wealthy.
than that, she would have been famous for some normal reason - as a
filthy rich and pretty looking VIP - and not as a poor girl victim of a
cruel fate, brought up by some good barbarian on a terrible planet... a
role that made her an instant celebrity when she got back, but hardly
one that she does enjoy at all.
As a celebrity, she often speaks about you people. But she doesn't make that good a publicity to the planet, though.
What ? Why?
she lived here she suffered from some chemicals unbalances in Earth's
food. It's nothing serious, if you know the correct blood values;
just requires to keep an eye on your diet and eat some integrators,
once in a while. But, being the only one of her kind - I wonder what was
of the other three - earth doctors couldn’t even start to guess what
was wrong, so she accumulated toxins during all her stance on Earth.
Her mind was obfuscated, he powers unstable. She couldn't realize all that was going on around her.
Back home, she was rapidly restored to health and her true self... which is even sharper than mine.
Her opinion of Earth people is pretty much the same of her biographer Wonga. "Not really bad people, but theirs
leaders should be
exterminated. We may don't know why, but
they certainly have a
I believe it comes from some of your older,
nastier proverbs.
She doesn't seem the same girl that is portrayed by the media in these last few months.
This lately, your media are full of the most exquisite bullshit I have ever read in my life. A parade of the most used
revanchist propaganda clichés, saying that you lost because of the defeatists. That, with just a little effort more, you would have won.
noticed that its writers were usually at the front-line in Yale, or at
Harvard. Some so-called journalists they are, people who doesn't even
bother to read your own historians.
These latter,
honestly state that the war cost for the Anipos was the same of the
annual travel of the "postal ship" that now ferries the personnel
exchange from and to Anipos one.
Or a tenth of the
photoelectric shield that stops **5%** of the sun radiations to Earth
and gives **70%** of the energy used on the planet.
That same shield that is the main reason why this planet is not
boiling right now.
Isn't it a bit too harsh?
I'm not the one selling
concealed suicide desires
to the masses... your technical advancements in these years, mostly
made reverse-engineering some fringe Anipos tech, have been great.
you are not even on par with the technologies they show you during the
war. And, no doubt, they didn’t use the really advanced materiel. It was
standard stuff, the kind of it is used in everyday activities, just a
bit bulkier. It’s not, as I keep reading around, that you are
scientifically overtaking anybody.
Right now, just the
maintenance of the solar shield would require the whole of your orbital
shuttle fleet, should they ever decide to stop to it and retire their
robots. It would cost you the GDP of one of your big countries, too, and
it will be so till the day some lucky guy of yours comes out with a
working anti-gravity system.
The weapons factories in the asteroids belt are still there, just waiting for an order.
And also all of the fighting machines that survived the war are stacked out there, in some hidden warehouse.
They didn't waste their time to destroy something they could still need. They are just waiting.
Your economy took ten long years to get back on her feet, after the war.
It has been ten painful years of recessions, riots, strikes and political repression.
A mountain of pain for nothing, I should add.
in the end, for the everyday man and woman who paid the war with blood
and ten wasted years of sorrow, nothing has changed.
president of X is still the president of X, elected with the same old
ways to act in the behalf of the richer 1% of the population. Well, he
can't attack his neighbour Y, who usually got the power more or less in
the same way, because neither of them has an army any more, and that is
indubitably a step forward, but one can’t help but wonder how all that
money that's not spent in weapons still finds his way to the pocket of
the same old sharks.
Are you sure it's the case to risk
another round with the Ani just because "they deny us our rightful
place under the sun"? Place under the sun? You already have one.
home is way poorer than Earth, in terms of natural resources. And is
not even the worst planet you can find... the universe is full of
planets lacking those heavy metals you need to build most of the useful
technologies, metals that the existence of your big Moon so usefully
carried near the surface of this world.
Most of others
civilization had to reach the other worlds and asteroids in their
systems, to find useful amounts of indium, iridium, platinum etc...
more and more I read and hear bad rhetoric phrases, the kind of one
think you should have learnt to avoid by now, about the "evil enemy"
that "stole our rightful place in the galaxy"...
You can take whatever place you want, in the Galaxy, provided you can pay the travel expenses.
Or the "horrible invaders who are pushing us down in the shadows"... c'mon, with me, we are one hundred twenty.
How could we push down seven billion people, I don't know.
Do you have any idea of the causes of this wave of bad journalism?
tricked your anti-trust regulation and got a hold of a great part of
your media. Somebody who had shares in what were Earth's weapon
industries, and wants to get back in business
Intern view of a magazine redaction; Erri is talking to the chief editor.
- Erri, this article is no good, no good at all
- What's wrong, boss?
- It's all wrong... yes, she looks like the bitchiest bitch of them all, and this is not bad...
- She IS a bitch, boss
- But, these final considerations... this is bordering on defeatism, Erri
- I cut them out, boss?
Better... then, this story with "Saint Bridget" that hates our leaders,
we can't really allow us to publish enemy propaganda, Erri
- So, I cut it too, boss?
- It's better
- This image of the titanium severing jaws...
- What's the matter with this?
- Cut it... it's nice that she jokes about such a petty accusation, but that image could stir anxieties in our male readers
- Ok, boss. But, if I did it, in the end, did not it looks like she's really giving blowjobs to commander Kro-Nos?
- Yes, yes... our readers will like it. You are smart, Erri.
- Ok, I'll do it.
Then again, there is no proof that interstellar travel is that
expensive... just their words, hers and the rest of these filthy aliens.
Let's go for something more real, that the everyday man can
understand... five hundred thousands bucks, something like this;
expensive but not beyond the impossible.
- Yes, boss.... What about their wages? Even about those, we have no third party source, to tell the truth.
- Leave the bonus topic; it is a proof that they are fond of money like everybody
- I got it all, boss. But, I have a problem
- Which would it be? I hope is not a professional conscience one. You are a grown up man, c'mon
- She told me that, if I misreport her words, she come and give us a blow-job
- Us?
- both to me and you, boss
- Odd... she's quite a knack, it wouldn't be that bad... wait, did she intend...
takes a mountaineer snap hook from his pocket, one of those ring-like
things that are sometimes used as key holders. It's literally crunched
open, with clear teeth shaped marks.
- What's it?
Titanium, boss.