Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Proof of Coherent Identity

Every now and then, some geniuses tried to get me to draw a picture of their preferred "starlettes", under extreme bondage and torture (I am me - said myself).

It has winded down - mainly, because of the powers of Google images search by image, and the moron-ness of most of these guys... if someone sends me photos of two different women saying they are their photos, chances are that I am going to see it - but, for a while, it was a bit embarrassing.

The denials of these guys - "No, I never never heard of her, this is me!" (I only found these 15 different places where this photos appear, associated to that actress, so I may be mistaken... of course, it is at most one possibility in 2^14, imagining that each site choose the actress name by picking randomly in a hat with two names ) - were more than a bit comical, but I rather go and rent a good film, when I am in the mood for a good laugh.

I'd also like the idea of having some kind of authorization, when I make portraits of a person that wants them.

I thought for a while about how to go over this, without actually asking name and last-name of my extempore models (the privacy is important), and I came out with a very minimal authorization scheme...

It would be nice that whoever wants to appear in one my drawings sends me a photo like this one:

The face is not so important, though it would ease my paranoias, as long as it is clear that the person in the authorization is the same that appears in the other photos.

And as long as it is clear that Photoshop has not been used to write the phrase in the paper.

You know, just to be sure that I am not inadvertently creating some nasty revenge porn.

By the way, it is incredible how many "hot women" seems to - suddenly - lose their access to a mobile with a photo-camera, when I ask this "proof of coherent identity".

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